Astro Expo at Eunice Primary, Bloemfontein
8 March 2008 |
The Astro Expo was held on 8 March 2008 at Eunice Primary School, and was organized by ASSA Bloemfontein Centre in association with Eunice. The event consisted of astronomy exhibitions, demonstrations, multi-media talks, children's activities and sky watching. Many prizes were given away, including a green laser pointer, EZfinder, Barlow lens, books, and a 6 inch Dobsonian telescope.
All photos by Hannes Pieterse.

Shortly before the prize giving ceremony at 18h00, about 112 people gathered in the School Hall amongst a plethora of self-made telescopes. Estimates put the total number of people who attended the event at about 310.

The audience listening to a talk by Jacques van Delft relating to the Sun on the presentation balcony. |

Mia Zeelie (centre right), organizer of the 2008 Astro Expo, leading the highly successful children's activities on the playground. |

James Ross (left) presents a demonstration on "how to make your own telescope" to a group of onlookers in the school hall. Many people were motivated by his session to build their own telescopes. |

Water rocket launching on the playground attracted a huge crowd. Children received 2 liter bottles and had the opportunity to launch their own rockets. Lots of fun indeed!

A view of the self-made telescopes on exhibit, the Boyden Science Centre exhibition at right and the Eunice Astro Team stall top right. The ATM'ers table can be seen top centre. |

Star gazing in the evening on the playground. |