in 2004, the clubhouse primarily serves as a library,
archive, store, office, but above all, a marketing point
for astronomy as hobby at Boyden Observatory. Official
opening took take place in 2005. For contributions in
the form of books, furniture, material etc. - contact
the committee.

Entrance to the clubhouse

Full view of the clubhouse from the observation platform

The pillars on which the roof used to slide. Though the
roof still has the capability to slide, it has been fixed
in order to protect the contents of the building.

Sunset at Boyden - in the past, near to the date when
the clubhouse was donated to the Centre.

Inside - table and book rack. Poster on "SA Astronomy"
visible to the left.

Inside - table, chairs, whiteboard, posters to the left.

Detailed star chart and Moon chart on the southern wall.

Moon chart, colour photos, posters.

Renovation - sealing the roof for protection againts rain.

Renovation - varnishing the new book racks on the observation
platform outside the clubhouse. (Hannes & Pieter Pieterse
and Phillip Coetzer standing)

Members Phillip Coetzer and Braam van Zyl inspecting one
of the historic books in the clubhouse on the evening
when the clubhouse was first introduced to the public.

View of the Observation platform to the north-east, 7
meters from the clubhouse, to be be used by amateur telescope
operators during public and club events.

Southern view of Boyden from the roof of the clubhouse
- the entrance pillars of Boyden visible through the bushes.

South-eastern view from the roof of the clubhouse, the
16 inch robotic telescope's building in the foreground
and the auditorium visible at the back.

Free State fields - view of the clear blue skies and Free
State horizon from the roof of the clubhouse.

The path leading to the clubhouse entrance, photo taken
from the door.