
16 inch Nishimura reflector - Boyden Observatory

The 16 inch (41 cm) Nishimura telescope is jointly the second largest telescope at Boyden and is of Cassegrain design. It was used for variable star research amongst others. It is not currently operational, but future funds will re-instate it as a powerful, publicly accessible telescope.

The building is strategically situated for use during school visits and open evenings, to the north-east - close to the auditorium and observation platform. Due to the telescope's incredible focal length (effectively 8 meters - a professional instrument), certain adaptations will be necessary for it to be used as an educational instrument.

More information on the History of the Nishimura.

Photos of 16 inch Nishimura dome and telescope at Boyden...


Contact details

Contact Braam van Zyl at +27 051- 436 7555 (h) if you would like to become a member of the
Friends of Boyden, or email jalvzyl@mweb.co.za.

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Website information
This website: www.assabfn.co.za/friendsofboyden
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