January 21st,
1971, Residence of Mr. D. P. de Leeuw, 9 Graves Street, Hospitalpark, at 8pm
Mr. Rhodes informed us that he had acquired some of the pipes mentioned, and
still more to come. Wheels have not yet come into being, informs Mr. van der
Berg. Wood and zinc sheets have been obtained from Mr. Harrisson. These are
stored at our Chairman's residence for further trimming with the option of selling
some. Mr. Erasmus let us know that to roll corrugated Iron sheets costs 40c
per sheet.
With regret the meeting takes notice of the passing away of our friend and sponsor
Mr. Gustave Fichardt - owner of farm Brandkop. A letter of consolidation has
been sent to Mrs. Fichardt, who at present is staying on at Brandkop. Our Chairman
is to contact her in the near future to approach her with regard to our Observatory
Mr. Muller asked Mr. P. Erasmus to repair the 4 1/2 inch refractor as this instrument
can be a very strong asset to our centre - when in good shape.
Our Chairman instigated that we must now begin with a serious attempted to improve
our general and special knowledge of the night sky. And that we may here by
know the Constellations and stars at any specific time.
March 11th, 1971,
Residence of Mr. Mahaffey, at 123 Dan Pienaar Drive, at 8pm.
Our chairman stated that he has approached Mrs. Fichard of Brandkop farm, who
assured him that we can carry on with our observatory plans.
There being enough piping in the form of bailen tubes Mr. Muller asked assistance
for mechanical work on these by name, cutting into acquired length and welding
Our chairman asked for votes and general agreement that the centre's 6 inch
telescope will be the property of our centre as such. This was proposed and
agreed upon.
The rest of the meeting was adjourned and the rest of the evening past by discussing
the means to distinguish constellations and also observing sutum and other celestial
objects through Mr. Walker's telescope.
April 15de, 1971,
Woning van Mnr. G. Muller, Wilcocksweg 35, om 8nm.
Die voorsitter deel mee dat die werk aan ons sterrewag vorder, maar dat daar
nog baie gedoen moet word. Daar is toe besluit dat diegene wat kan kom, op Saterdag
oggend by Mnr. Muller se woning sal help met sweiswerk ensomeer.
Die pad na die sterrewagterrein dan weer moet skoon gemaak word vir verkeer.
Daar moet gesoek word na lense (object glass) vir rigting kykers (finders) op
May 13th, 1971,
Residence of Mr. P. Erasmus, 56 de La Rey Avenue, De Wet Ext, 1, at 8pm
The mountain road on Brandkop needs to be cleaned up. Mr. Mahaffey suggested
the use of old engine oil. The frame of our intended observatory is almost finished,
but angle Iron is to be acquired. Also a door at one side is to be installed
and Mr. de Leeuw put forward that he may perhaps be able to purchase our need
in this direction. The door should approx. 6 feet high. It was brought up that
the sliding roof of the observatory should be made flatten. Further technical
details regard to the wheels for the sliding roof were discussed.
Mr. Erasmus was thanked for his hospitality and for the use of his 10 inch telescope
used to observe planet Jupiter in occultation passing Beta Scorpii.
July 8th, 1971,
Annual General Meeting held at the residence og Mr. B. vd Berg at 8pm.
The following members were elected and re-elected:
Chairman - Mr. G. J. Muller
Vice Chairman - Mr. J. Rhodes
Honouree Secretary and Treasury - Mr. P. Keuris
Committee members - Mr. D.P. de Leeuw
Council Representative - Mr. G. J. Muller
Finances: The Balance on the open savings account at the Trust Bank was R28,00
plus R5,00 cash on hand, as shown on Balance sheet.
The Chairmans' Annual Report: The Chairman's Report for the year ending June
30th 1970 was read, in which our new member Mr. J. Rhodes was enrolled as a
member, who proved himself to be a zealous addition to our centre. Furthermore,
during the course of this year, our program regarding occultation's was somewhat
handicapped by the lack of proper timing equipment. The need of a observatory
was also stressed.
Telescopes: Our own centre-telescopes are still due, and we aim to complete
at least two 6 inch Newtonian reflectors. The university's 4 1/2 inch refractor
is not yet in a proper workable state, but will be attended to by our own members.
Junie 10de, 1971,
Woning van Mnr. de Leeuw te Gravestraat 9, Hospitaalpark, om 8nm.
Die vergadering het onmiddelik begin met die bespreking van die beoogde sterrewag.
Die afmeetings van die sterrewag sal wees 8' by 15'. Die voorsitter het die
sterrewag se raamwerk in sy werf en werk byna daagliks daaraan.
Mnr. J. Mahaffey, in afwesigheid, skenk ons klub 'n landmeter "Buks"
waterpas kompleet met driepoot. Die sekretaris word versoek om hom skriftelik
te bedank vir hierdie waardevolle bruibare instrument.
July 8th, 1971,
Residence of Mr. G. N. Walker at 39 Vilonel Street, Dan Pienaar, at 8pm.
A letter has arrived from Mr. Overbeek (Tvl) stating another occultation of
a 4.3 magn. star by the moon which can be observed in the district of Kroonstad
(OVS) near Ventersburg (15 Miles south of Kroonstad) Time: Sunday Morning approx.
6.2 am. It has been decided not to activate this occultation, as we have our
guests to attend to on our own occultation on Friday eve the 6th. None of the
senior members are to go.
Mr. Muller received a letter from Prof. Jarret of the Boyden observatory that
all the whole company will be welcome to visit the observatorysite on Saturday
morning August the 8th. Mr. Muller received notice from Mr. Hurley of Cape Town
who will bring us a film about Apollo 14 moonwalk and splash down. Suggestion:
Notices should be placed in the windows of various firms and other suitable
places to advertise this film evening on Saturday eve August the 7th. Mr. Erasmus
agreed to draw these posters. Mr. J. Rhodes suggested the exhibition of telescopes
being his own three inch refractor, one 6 inch Newtonian and Mr. Walker's. Suggestion:
An exercise evening with complete equipment, and also attended by the press
to take photos for a "write up".
Operating teams on eclipse August the 6th.:
5 Posts complete with teams and equipment situated +/- 200 yards apart.
Mr. Walker agrees to organise his own team with some of his office assistance.
Mr. Erasmus (2nd team) with Mr. de Leeuw and a inch telescope
Mr. Muller (3rd team) with Mr. F. Neser
Mr. Rhodes (4th team) with Mr. Mahaffey
Mr. Keuris (5th team) with Mr. McFarlane
Telescopes: 2 X 6 inch telescope (Newtonian)
1 X 3 inch refractor (Rhodes)
1 X 4 inch reflector (Erasmus)
1 X 3 inch reflector (Keuris)
All telescopes to be ready for use a week before August the 6th.
Suggestion: Extra stopwatch chesare to be synchronised to radio signals and
a standard time must be used on a taperecorder. Mr. Muller proposed to a transmitter
to a telescope line from a post office or SABC for direct time relays.
Julie 1ste, 1971,
Dertiende Algemene Jaarvergadering, Huis van Mnr. J.I. Mahaffey, om 8nm.
Die volgende lede is gekies en herkies:
Voorsitter: Mnr. G. J. Muller
Ondervoorsitter: Mnr. J. Rhodes
Ere Sekretaris: Mnr. F.C. Neser
Komitee lede: Mnr. G.N. Walker en D.P. de Leeuw
Die nasionale Raad verteenwoordiger: Mnr. G.J. Muller.
Finansies: Die balans van die spaarrekening toon 'n krediet van R83,60.
Die voorsitter lees daarna sy jaarlikse verslag waarin dit genoem word dat die
sterrewag en 10 duim teleskoop met meer aktiewe steun van alle lede binne 'n
maand voltooi kan word, aangesien die werk daaraan slegs beperk word tot 'n
paar lede.
Daar is met spyt verneem van die skielike afsterwe van Mnr. G. A. Fichardt.
Hy het groot belangstelling gehad in die bou van ons sterrewag en dit is jammer
dat die werk aan die sterrewag nie voltooi is voor sy dood nie. Daar is voorgestel
as 'n gebaar van dankbaarheid en respek dat ons sterrewag na Mnr. G.A. Fichardt
vernoem word.
Verder is die Kaapstad tak geluk gewens met sy inisiatief om 'n gesamentlike
okkultasie van die Bfn, Kaap, TVL en Natal op 6 Augustus te beplan en daar is
gehoop dat hierdie 'n baie aangename gebeurtenis sal wees.
Teleskope: Die 2 X 6 duim teleskope waarin daar in die vorige vergaderings verwys
is, is nou voltooi.
Algemeen: Die okkultasie van die 6 de Augustus is daarna bespreek en daar is
ooreengekom om 'n paar spesiale vergaderings te belê om die gebeurtenis
en die organisasie te beplan.
Julie 15de, 1971,
Woning van Mnr. P. Erasmus, 56 de La Reylaan, 8nm.
Die bespreking van die aand was weer gewy aan die okkultasies en Mnr. Muller
verwittig dat 17 punte op die Reddersburg en Dewetsdorp paaie afgemerk sal word
en wel sodat beide paaie gedupliseer sal wees. Verder het dit bekend geword
dat Tylers radio 'n radio sender beskikbaar sak stel. Toestemming sal egter
by die Posmeester Generaal verkry moet word. Tylers het ook 'n aansluiting beskikbaar
gestel. Mnr. Rhodes het voorgestel dat 'n nabootser (simulator) geleen moet
word van die TVL groep vir oefening. Omtrent die byeenkoms van die TVL en Kaap
mense is die Maitland Hotel voorgestel as 'n rendezvouz.
Die res van die aand is bestee aan die bespreking van ons sterrewag.
August 12th, 1971,
Residence of Mr. D. P. de Leeuw, 9 Gravestraat, Hospitaalpark.
Mr. Muller suggested, as a simulator has been borrowed from Cape Town, the reaction
times of the observers who observed the occultation should be tested. A subcommittee
was appointed who will be responsible for the co-ordination of the actual times
of the occultation.
A word of thanks was extended to Mr. G.N. Walker, who made the hotel reservations
as well as Mr. Mahaffey and Van Wyk who marked of the observing points and for
the general organisation of the occultation. Mr. Muller will thank Professors
Holden and Jarret for the visits of the centre and visitors to the different
observatories, as well as for the use of the van der Merwe Scholtz hall at the
University for our film show. A word of thanks was also extended to Tyler's
Radio and the Bassons.
Mr. Muller suggested that there now must be concentrated on astronomy. A observing
section was suggested who will make full use of our observatory, when finished.
Thursday the 24th was suggested our first observing night. Mr. Muller received
a letter from Mr. Hurley who suggested a write up for NASA in connection with
the occultation. A word of thanks was extended to Mr. Mahaffey for the donation
of two 25 mm eyepieces to the centre.
The following persons were welcomed as new members Miss P. Booth, Wepener, Mr.
Farlane and Van Zyl.
September 9de,
1971, Huis van Mnr. G. N. Walker, Vilonelstraat 39 om 8nm.
Erkenning is van Durban, Kaapstad, Pretoria afdelings ontvang, insake die okkultasie.
Insake die bou van ons sterrewag het Mnr. Muller voorgestel dat 'n stuk gladde
sinkplaat gebruik moet word die deur van die sterrewag toe te maak. Daar is
voorgestel dat 'n teken opgerig word om die weg na die sterrewag aan te dui,
om te verhoed dat lede verdwaal, asook 'n waarskuwings teken dat daar observasies
gedoen word. 4 Sleutels sal gehou word deur die komiteelede.
Mej. Booth het daarna 'n baie interressante praatjie gelewer oor wissel sterre
en sy is daarna bedank deur Mnr. Mahaffey.
October 14th,
1971, Residence of Mr. B. van der Berg at Athlone street 22, at 8pm.
A suggestion was made that discussions in connection with the moving of the
observatory be postponed until Mr. Muller returned, and the rest of the evening
was spent on general discussion.
November 11th,
No meeting was held on above date as the framework of the observatory was dismantled,
for transportation to the site on Brandkop on Friday the 12th November.
Desember 9de,
1971, Huis van Mnr. G. N. Walker, Vilonelstraat 39, at 8pm.
'n Voorstel is deur Mnr. Muller ingedien dat werk aan ons sterrewag uitgestel
word tot Januarie, 1972.
Hierna het die vergadering verdaag vir 'n baie interressante praatjie deur Mnr.
Walker oor Einstein se teorieë.