1968 - ASSA Bloemfontein Centre

January 1st, 1968, Mr. Walker's home, at 8pm.
Mr. N. Lincoln resigned as Hon. Secretary and is replaced by Mr. Keuris.
Memorandum of Dec. 12th 1967:
Various items of this memorandum were discussed further.
Item 2. The idea of star parties was further exploited but nothing definite was settled as yet.
Item 3. Mnr. Muller is nog steeds besig om die 8 duim spieël teleskoop te herbou. Hy stel voor dat so 'n 5 of 6 teleskope gebou word vir sterrekundige byeenkomste.
Item 4. 'n Voorstel om klein komitees te stig vir die verskillende aspekte van astronomie.
Item 5. Wait until UOFS opens.
Item 6. Alle lede moet hulle R2 betaal.
Item 7. Our Chairman Mr. Walker explained again his "Astro Viewers" to which Mr. Muller added that if material and costs are cheap, these "Veiwers" can be sold to Bazaars. It was felt that it should work with a sort of light installation.
Summaries on "Astronomy for Amateurs": To excavate item 4 Mr. Muller proceeded with his summary on chapter 1 of this book and show how thoroughly he studied his subject. This first attempted was enthusiastically received and our secretary stated he is willing to attempt his subject on Occultations at the next meeting in February.
Jacob Trachtenberg Arithmatic. Our host Mr. Walker closed the meeting with a very comprehensive lecture on the means and practice of this kind of Arithmatic.

February 29th, 1968, 35 Wilcocks Road, at 8pm.
Mr. Walker reported on his experiments with the "jamtin" star viewers, and stated that a lens would be required. Mr. Erasmus, when questioned, estimated that a suitable lens could be ground in approximately 10 minutes. Mr. Mulles reported that he had handed over the 8 inch telescope to Mr. Erasmus, and that he himself will proceed with the construction of the base of this telescope. When questioned, Mr. Muller estimated that a 6 inch telescope, without a drive, will cost the centre R26,28. A lengthy and detailed discussion on the construction followed (on telescopes in general) and it was finally decided to purchase two blanks. The members then proceeded to the site of Mr. Muller's telescope and several interesting bodies were observed.

April 25th, Home of Mr. Mahaffey, at Gelderlandstreet, at 8pm.
With regard to constructing 6 inch Newton telescopes, two blanks were ordered from Millner Park Planetarium - Johannesburg, again it was stressed that 6 inch telescopes is the most suitable for our centre, Mr. Muller asked volunteers for making a box to send a grounded glass to be aluminized at R1,25 per inch. The tool for grounding glass was discussed and Cast Iron was suggested as most suitable. After this the Hon. Secretary Mr. Keuris gave his summaries on Occultations and a discussion on timing occultations followed.

Mei 23ste, 1968, Huis van Mnr. Erasmus, de la Reylaan 65, de Wet uitbreiding.
Die voorsitter het verder uigewei oor die sterreskope (starviewers). Hy het o.a. vrywilligers gevra om sterrebeelde te fotograveer vir hierdie toestelle. Die posisie van kunslig in die sterreskope is verder bespreek en die voorsitter belowe om op die volgende vergadering 'n voorbeeld van sy voorgestelde sterreskoop te toon.
Teleskoop Vervaardiging: Die verwagte glasstukke het nog nie aangekom nie. Die stellasie van die 8 duim spieël is amper voltooi, maar 'n geskikte plek om hierdie spieëlteleskoop op te rig moet nog gevind word. Die voorsitter Mnr. Walker onderneem om die munisipaliteit te nader omtrent die ou "Maanwag" satelliet op spoor geboue op Naval Hill. Daarna het Mnr. Walker 'n opsomming gelees van Mnr. Mahaffey se "Sterrekundige fotografie".

June 27th, 1968, Home of Mr. Walker - Vilonel Str.
Our Chairman show his sample of a starviewer which was admired, meditated upon and advises were offered. For the 8 inch telescope, parts for driver wheels are to be made. Material for making a general tool for grinding glass is also needed. Mr. Walker informed that he could not contact Mr. Boshoff of Bfn. Municipality re site on Naval Hill. Mr. Muller suggested a site on the grounds of the university again and Mr. Walker agreed the Naval Hill site - project should be postponed.
Mr. Chairman than gave us a talk on the subject of planets and asteroids, and a general discussion followed in which the importance of correct eyepieces in telescopes was stressed. A letter from Mr. Lincoln was read in which he expired his membership of our centre after June 30th 68.

July 31st, 1968, Bloemfonteinklub, at 8pm.
10th Annual General Meeting. The Secretary, as well as the
Chairman reads his report, which for the purpose of the report to
the National Council, would be combined. Balance R22,44.
Election of Officers:
Chairman Mr. G. J. Muller
Hon. Secretary & Hon. Treasurer Mr. A. W. E. Schultz
Representative on National Council Mr. G. J. Muller, with
Mr. G. H. Walker as alternative
Third Committee Member Mr. G. H. Harrison
It is decided to raise the annual subscriptions from 25c to R1,00.
Honouree Members of the Centre:
Professor F. Holden of Lamount-Hussey Observatory and
Mr. N. Lincoln, c/o the Bloemfontein Club. The latter has resigned
as member of the Centre. The above-mentioned persons are to
be notified of the decision. Mr.Lincoln is also to be approached
as regards the University telescope, as well as the table, chairs,
gaslamp, etc. still being kept at Mooihoek. The last mentioned
articles are to remain at Mooihoek at Mr. Lincoln's pleasure, or
until the Bloemfontein Centre has required a permanent building.
Work by Members: Mr. Muller reports success in aligning a reflector
telescope, using the callimation method, and that good results were
obtained by him after about 10 minutes work. He is also progressing
with the manufacture of telescope supports. Mr. Erasmus has
progressed with the grinding of two six-inch mirrors, being
manufactured from pyrex blanks recently purchased by the Centre.
Mr. Walker submits a paper on Minor Planets, based on an article
by J. L. White, for circulation amongst members. Messrs. Harrison,
Keurisand Schultz offer to help with the construction of instruments.
Open Discussion. The analogous behaviour of sound and light under
varying and critical conditions proved to be an interesting and
absorbing subject.

Augustus die 15de, 1968,
Huis van Mnr. Schultz, Glentonhof 3, Koning Edwardweg, om 8nm. "Starviewers" is tans in die V.S.A. gepatenteer. Daar word dus
afgesien van die idee om 'n goedkoop plaaslik-vervaardige produkte ontwikkel vir verkoopsdoeleindes ter stawing van fondse van die
plaaslike sentrum. Dit staan lede egter vry om self hulle "starviewers" te vervaardig. Daar word egter voorgestel dat die sentrum 'n paar
aanskaf vir wanneer publieke aande in die toekoms aangebied word.

Werk deur lede:
Mnre. Muller en Erasmus maak goeie vordering met die vervaardiging van onderdele vir die nuwe instrumente vir die sentrum
en verklaar dat hulp van mede-lede in die verband waardeer sal word. Mnr. Keuris onderneem om 18-kaliber swart yster te bekom vir die
gerolde 7 duim deursnit X 4 - 6 duim teleskoop-buise. Verder word besluit om te gelegenertyd twee 30 mm oogstukke aan te skaf, asook
later 'n Barlow-lens.


Na samesprekings deur Mnr. Muller met, en skrywe aan die Rektor van die UOVS, skrywe Prof. Kok dat hy die saak van skakeling tussen
hierdie sentrum en die nuutgestigde sterrekundige fakulteit aan sy inrigting baie goedgesind is. Hy verwys Mnr. Muller se brief na
Prof. Van Wyk, wat UOVS se verteenwoordiger by die WNNR is, ivm sterrekunde. Prof Kok belowe verder om die aangeleentheid met
Prof. Jarret, wat die nuwe leerstoel beklee, te bespreek.


Mnr. Muller kondig aan dat hy daarin geslaag het om die x Crucis te splyt met 'n 100X versterking - wat 'n prestasie is! Mnr. Walker
vertel dat daar nog besluit moet word of die s.g. Doppler-effek te wyte is aan die uitwaartse beweging van sterrestelsels naby die
sigbare uiteindes van die heelal, aldan nie. Menings in die verband wil dat die snelheid van lig geensens beïnvloed word deur bewegings
van die ligbron nie. Mnr. Erasmus stel belang in die meeting van dubbel sterre d.m.v. 'm mikrometer. Mnr. Muller sal die vervaardiging
ondersoek. Verder oorhandig Mnr. Muller 'n sterkaart mat 57 "navigasie-sterre" aan Mnr. Walker vir fotostatiese afdrukke.

September 19th, 1968, Residence of Mr. P. Erasmus, 56 de la Rey Avenue, General de Wet, at 8pm.
1. Starviewers. Mr. Mahaffey offers to investigate the possibility of importing a few of these instruments
2. Liaison with University Astronomy Faculty. Mr. Muller undertakes to strike the iron while it is hot and to get acquainted with Professor Jarret.
3. Progress in manufacture of club telescopes.
a) Steel for tubing. No purchase had been made but investigation continuing.
b) Materials, such as bushes and reinforcement rods were still required. Mr. Walker offers to investigate how to obtain the latter. The "diagonals" are still to be made, otherwise the work on the supports as well as the mirrors, is progressing.
4. Photostat copies of maps of navigational stars and lists of co-ordinates, previously supplied by Mr. Walker were handed to members by Mssrs. Walker and Mahaffey. These aids to observing are a substantial contribution to the assets of the centre and appreciated by all.
1. Mr. Lincoln accepts the Honorary Membership of the centre which was offered to him. He will upon his discharge from hospital, arrange for the handing over of the University equipment still being stored at Mooihoek Observatory. Secretary will write him a letter, thanking him and wishing him complete recovery.
2. Prof. F. Holden also accepts the Honourary Membership offered to him, thanking the members of the centre, and offering his assistance.
3. Mr. J. Breure of Whites, OFS, who is interested in astronomy, but who is new thereto, is desirous to join Bloemfontein centre. As to his question whether his mirror with very short focal length is suitable for astronomical use, the answer is "probably not". Secretary is to invite Mr. Breure to the next meeting, so that technical and other problems may be discussed.

1. Mr. Erasmus intends building a roll-off shelter.
2. Mr. Muller observed sun-spots. A lively discussion on the sun followed.
3. Mr. Walker will talk on relativity at the next meeting.
4. Acknowledgement to the Council to invitation to Chairman.

Oktober 17de, 1968, Huis van Mnr. G. J. Muller Wilcocksweg 35, Bloemfontein, 8nm.
1. Starviewers. Mnr. Mahaffey spreek sy spyt uit dat die plan vir die invoer van die toestelle geblyk het nie suksesvol te wees nie. Daar word voorgestel dat 'n ander moontlikheid ondersoek word.
2. Kontak met die Universiteit. Die Voorsitter berig dat geen verdere vordering in die verband gemaak is nie, maar dat 'n skuiling vir teleskope ens. dringende aangeleentheid bly.
3. Vordering met vervaardiging van teleskope. Mnr. Muller berig dat die buste reeds ver gevorder is. Vooraf het hy sy handewerk, wat getuig van opoffering, vernuf en deursettingsvermoë aan lede gewys. Slegs enkele toevoegings en daarna die afrondingswerk is nodig om die voetstukke gereed te maak om die teleskope te ontvang. Mnr. Erasmus berig dat verdere vordering gemaak is met die slyp van die 6 duim spieëls, maar dat gebrek aan vrye tyd die werk vertraag. Staal vir teleskoop-buise. Nadat Mnr. Keuris vasgestel het waar die plate verkrygbaar is, is aan die sekretaris opgedra om die bestelling vir 2 6X3 duim graad 20 plate te plaas. Die Voorsitter sal reël vir die rol van die plate.
4. Fotostatiese sterkaarte. Mnr. Mahaffey oorhandig aan die Voorsitter 'n verdere aantal eksemplare in saamgestelde formaat, waarvoor hulle hartlik bedank word.
5. Forbes Opstel-wedstryd. Mnr. Walker voel dat hierdie sentrum die betrokke plaaslike skole moet gelukwens, tw. Eunice Hoërskool en Greenhill Convent met sukses behaal vanjaar. Mnr. Muller sê dat die pers ook genader moet word.
6. Korrespodensie. Die Voorsitter ontvang die Notule van die Raadsvergadering gehou op 23 September 1968, asook kennis dat Dr. A.W.G. Cousins van die Royal Observatory as sy plaasvervanger te Kaapstad aangestel is. Kennis word hiervan geneem.
Spesiale Onderwerp: Teorie van Relatiwiteit, soos ontwikkel deur Albert Einstein. Spreker Mnr. G.N. Walker.
Die Voorsitter bedank Mnr. Walker vir sy hoogs onderhoudende en prikkelende onderwerp en sluit die vergadering.

November 21st, 1968, Residence of Mr. J. J. Mahaffey, 14 Gelderland Street, at 8pm.
1. Starviewers. The Chairman will try to obtain a few of these instruments through Professor Jarret of Boyden Observatory.
2. Organised visits to Boyden. The Chairman and Mr. Walker will endeavour to organise visits for members of the centre to the observatory. Special meetings will be fitted in, some of which will possibly be at public nights, where members can assist newcomers to astronomy.
3. Progress with club telescopes. Mr. Muller reports that the mountings are complete. The telescope tubes are being rolled by an engineering firm, whilst Mr. Erasmus has reached the polishing stage with the mirrors. He states that the time has arrived for some optical flats to be obtained. The Secretary is instructed to contact the Head-office Secretary to try and find suitable glass, which should be of the order of 1¼ inch diam by 1¼ inch thick for a 6 inch mirror. Mention is also made that for a 10 inch mirror, the glass required for a flat should be about 1½ inch in diam and ¼ thick. Professor Jarret might be able to help in this respect. Mr. Erasmus is further entrusted with the selecting and ordering of new eye-pieces for the telescopes. The centre accepts with thanks the phosphor-bronze parts supplied by Mr. Walker.
4. Presentation to centre. Mr. Mahaffey graciously presents his 10 inch reflector telescope to the centre for use by members. This instrument is received with appreciation and accepted with thanks.
5. Dr Immelman telescope. The Chairman undertakes to approach another amateur astronomer, Dr. Immelman, for the possibility of obtaining his 10 inch telescope for the centre.
6. Mr. N. Lincoln. Secretary must invite Mr. Lincoln to the next meeting.
7. Correspondence. The Chairman expresses his appreciation of the invitation to attend the Council meeting to be held on the 18th November 1968, but regrets that he is unable to attend. Head-office to be informed. Head-office announces that Article XII of the constitution, which governs the procedure to be followed with the Annual General Meeting in its present form, is open to reform. Centres are requested to consider the matter and to come forward with suggestions for possible improvements. Members express the opinion that the AGM should be held at the larger centres, such as Cape Town and Johannesburg, perhaps alternately. Free State members will then be more likely to attend personally, if the meeting is held in Johannesburg. Centres should hold their own AGM's, possibly one month prior to the national gathering, but no longer part of thereof. Members will then have the opportunity to pursue personally a matter or case brought up at a centre annual meeting, the following month at the national gathering.
8. General. Mr. Walker and Secretary are to investigate the feasibility of introducing the office of honoury auditor into out centre, in view of a (savings) banking account having been opened during 1968.