1967 - ASSA Bloemfontein Centre

February 9th, 1967, Mooihoek Observatory at 8pm.
Weather conditions made observing impossible, it was decided that the study of the Taurus region, which was on the programme for this meeting, should be undertaken at the next meeting.

March 9th, 1967, Mooihoek Observatory at 8pm.
An overcast sky, with rain and hail, made observation impossible.

April 6th, 1967, Mooihoek Observatory at 8pm.
The evening was past by observing double stars and clusters. Mr. R.A. Andrews was introduced as a new member.

May 4th, 1967, Mooihoek Observatory at 8pm.
Only four members were present. Mr. Erasmus discussed the University Telescope Mounting with the chairman and plans are being made to speed up the work on it.

June 1st, 1967, Mooihoek Observatory at 8pm.
A draft of the Annual Report to be sent to the Council in Cape Town was submitted to the meeting and approved. It was decided that the Director of the Boyden Observatory should be asked whether he would agree to members of the centre paying a day-time visit to the Observatory.

July 26th, 1967, Mooihoek Observatory at 8pm.
8th Annual General Meeting. The following office-bearers were elected for the current year:
Chairman Mr. Mr. G. N. Walker.
Hon. Secretary Mr. N. Lincoln
Hon. Treasurer Mr. P. Keuris
Committee Mr. P. Erasmus
Representative on the Council Mr. N. Lincoln.
Balance: R9,86
The following communications from the Council were submitted to the Meeting:
1. Presidential Address to be delivered at the Annual General Meeting of the Society on July 26th, 1967.
2. The Report of the Council for the Session 1966/67.
3. The financial statement of the Council for the Session 1966/67
4. The Council's report on the prize-winners in the Forbes Essay Competition.

August 31st, 1967, Mooihoek Observatory at 8pm.
The Hon. Secretary reported that he had had no reply from the Director of the Boyden Observatory to a letter which he addressed to the Director on June 4th - asking whether members of the centre might pay a day-time visit to the Observatory.

December 12th, 1967, Bloemfonteinklub, at 8pm.
A memorandum drawn up By Messrs Walker, Erasmus, Keuris, Mahaffey and Muller at an unofficial meeting, held at Mr. Erasmus's house at 8 pm on November 30th, was discussed. The memorandum reads as follows:
Members present felt that the centre had been virtually inactive and it was vitally necessary to activate the activities of the centre, with this in mind the above members suggest:
1. Future meetings be held at member's homes as well as at Mooihoek.
2. Public interest be aroused by holding star parties.
3. That the centre encourage the development of different types of equipment both within the centre and privately.
4. That the centre caters for the different interests of members.
5. That every effort be made to work in closer liaison with the Astronomical Faculty of the University of the Orange Free State.
6. Subscriptions be raised to meet the cost of materials required by the centre for the making of telescopes etc.
Other methods of fund raising to be "considered".
The following decisions were made:
As to 1. This was agreed to.
As to 2. Action to be deferred until the centre had more instruments.
As to 3. Messrs. Erasmus and Muller undertook to interest themselves in this.
As to 4. This was agreed to.
As to 5. Messrs. Walker and Muller agreed to approach Dr. van Wyk of the UOFS.
As to 6. That sum of R2 be levied from members for telescopes and equipment for the centre.
As to 7. That this be kept in mind.
With further reference to 3, the opinion of the meeting was that efforts should be made to construct portable telescopes belonging to the centre. The Hon. Treasurer was instructed to open an account with Trust Bank.