March 18th, 1959
A meeting was held at the Technical College, Bloemfontein, on March 18th, 1959,
under the auspices of Dr. H. Haffner, at which
it was decided to seek the approval of theCouncil of the Astronomical Society
of Southern Africa to the formation of a
Bloemfontein Centre of the Society. Dr. C.B. van Wyk was elected Chairman, Mr.
N. Lincoln Secretary. Dr. Haffner & Mr. M. J. Bester
were elected to the Committee. It was decided that the next Meeting should be
held at the Boyden Observatory on April 20th, at 7.30 p.m.
Those present at the Meeting enjoyed a talk by Dr. Haffner on "The Moon",
illustrated by lantern slides. An article in "The Friend" of 19 March
1959 reads as follows: Astronomy society branch Dr. C.B. Van Wyk, professor
of applied mathematics at the University of the Orange Free State, was elected
chairman at the inaugural meeting of the Bloemfontein centre of the Astronomical
Society of Southern Africa last night. Dr. Haffner and Mr M.J. Bester were elected
to the committee, with Mr. Lincoln as secretary. There were about 20 foundation
members. After the meeting Dr. Haffner gave an illustrated talk on "The
Moon". He confined himself to the more technical side of the subject, as
he considered he said, that enough had already been said about the more imaginative
The next meeting of the centre will be held as an observation evening at Boyden
Observatory, Mazelspoort, at 7.30 p.m. on April 20. An open invitation has been
extended to anybody interested in astronomy to attend the centre's meetings.
April 20th, 1959,
Boyden Observatory, at 7.30 pm.
The Hon. Secretary reported that he had written to the Astronomical Society
of Southern Africa asking for the Counsel's approval of the formation of a Bloemfontein
Centre of the Society. Mr. P.D. Uscher was appointed Honorary Treasurer. It
was decided that Members & Associate Members should pay a subscription of
2/6, and that this sum should be subject to revision later if necessary.
During the evening Members heard a talk by Dr. Haffner on the moon, and had
the opportunity of observing through the 13 inch refractor.
May 18th, 1959,
Boyden Observatory, at 7.30 pm.
The Hon. Secretary reported that he had received a letter from the Astronomical
Society of Southern Africa stating that the Council had:
a) Approved the formation of a Bloemfontein Centre,
b) Elected as Members the Bloemfontein candidates whose names had been submitted,
c) Confirmed the election of the Associate Members whose names had been submitted.
Members then heard a talk by Mr. Anderson on Jupiter, and afterwards observed
the planet through the 13 inch refractor.
June 15th, 1959,
Boyden Observatory, at 7.30 pm.
The Hon. Secretary read the names of the Members, whose election had been confirmed
by the Council. It was decided that the next meeting would be the Annual General
Meeting. Members than heard a talk on Saturn and afterwards observed the planet
and other interesting objects through the 13-inch telescope.
July 22th, 1959,
Boyden Observatory, at 7.30 pm.
1st Annual General Meeting. The Hon. Secretary read the Annual Report of the
Centre which had been sent to the Council. Mr. J.C. Van Loggerenberg was elected
to the Committee to take the place of Dr. Haffner on the latter's departure
from Bloemfontein. Mr. G.N. Walker, speaking on behalf of Members, thanked Dr.
Haffner for the prominent part which he had taken in the formation of the Centre
and for the help and encouragement which he had given to Bloemfontein astronomers,
and wished him all good fortune in the future.
It was decided that Mr. M.J. Bester should be asked to act as the Centre's representative
on the Council, vice Dr. Haffner. Dr. Haffner then gave his Presidential Address,
his subject being Star Spectra. Members then visited the 60 inch reflecting
telescope, under the guidance of Mr. Anderson.
August 17th, 1959,
Boyden Observatory, at 7.30 pm.
Mr. J.C. Van Loggerenberg was elected as Honorary Treasurer vice Mr. P.D. Usher.
A talk was given by Dr. Hoffmeister on Variable Stars, and observation through
the 13 inch telescope.
September 14th, 1959, Boyden Observatory, at 7.30 pm.
Members heard a talk on Novae by Mr. P. Smits, President of the Society.
October 12th,
1959, Boyden Observatory, at 7.30 pm.
Members heard a talk by Father Bertiau on Cosmogony.
November 2nd,
1959, Physics Building, UOFS, at 7.30 pm.
Members heard a talk by Dr. Louw Alberts on Optical Spectra.
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